Stuff in my Pocket.
Exhibition at Norwich Arts Centre from 9th April 2014 to 3rd May 2014 The theme in itself is simple. You see a stone, a leaf, a feather - whatever – for some reason that’s the one you must take home. You like its shape, intricacy or texture. Or maybe you’ve just never looked at this object in that way before - close up. And so, these things end up at home, put in “the jar” or window sill; in your collection. But your imagination is involved in this possibly innate and certainly primitive action, of collecting tokens. Your imagination is the work of the mind that helps create. We can often look at these apparently simple objects and be fascinated by how alien they look or just be amazed by their complexity. Significantly though, a theme that runs throughout my work is that of memory. As my own memory, dramatically decreases, these images become a physical and pictorial aide memoire to these observations and recollections. However they are more than just objects or stuff: it just comes down to the pleasure of enjoying these apparently simple things that can so easily be underestimated.